Thursday, October 23, 2014

'7 Steps to Freedom from Oppression" by Pat Buckley & Ann Windsor

Christians can overcome and be totally free from, bipolar, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, and other oppression’s. These disorders have a spiritual base and if we can correct the spiritual problems, which we can, but only from the Word of God (the world can help us cope with these oppression’s, but only Jesus Christ can set us free), the truth will set us free, and who the Son sets free is free indeed. The New Testament statements from Jesus are declarations of freedom to any captive, this is a guarantee (better than a promise). Luke 4:18 I have come to set the captives free, if Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (Heb 13:8), then His Words are a guarantee that captives have been set free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed, is another guarantee from Jesus Himself. Col 1:13. We have been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness, is another statement about the finished work of Jesus. The New Testament is a guarantee of freedom for any captive (Luke 4:18) . It is based on new and better covenant (the finished work of Jesus), and we can totally rely on the words that Jesus spoke to us about freedom from oppression’s. If a person takes His Words seriously and lines up to the word of God, then these oppression are guaranteed to flee from our lives (James 4:7).

Please click this link to purchase from Amazon:
(available in Kindle also) 

Monday, February 17, 2014

"Eternal Life - What Is It?"

This is a 6 x 9 size.
46 pages.
Contents:  Eternal Life - what is it; What does Eternal Life mean to me; Sucking the honey out of the rock; Zoe - Life as God has it; New Testament uses of Zoe

I am very excited about this book!

Knowing this truth has greatly strenghtened me in my relationship with God; helped me overcome sin and sickness, and brought me great joy.  Knowing that you are joined to God through His Life brings great joy in your relationship with Him.

The truth from God's Word I have packaged together in this little book is for your 'feeding' more than just 'reading'.

Eternal Life is more than enjoying Heaven for eternity. It is more than living forever. I discovered what it was by looking up the actual words in the Vine's Expository Dictionary. Then I actually heard some teaching on the subject describing it as the Life that God has IN Himself that He gives to every true believer to have in themselves. I knew I had been born again and become a child of God but I didn't know why. Finding the truth about Eternal Life explained that to me. I have learned that Eternal Life can extend its domain to the physical body this side of the grave. John G. Lake, during a great plague in South Africa, walked in the light of Romans 8:2: "For the Law of the Spirit of Life (zoe, eternal life) in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death." Plague germs died in his hands as verified under a microscope. The first Bible seminar that I taught as a young Bible School student was on Eternal Life. 1 Joh 5:11 & 12: "He who has the Son has life (zoe), and he who has not the Son has not life (zoe) but the wrather of God abides on him." For 40 years I have walked in fellowship with this Life.

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U.S. Shipping only - $5.95

 (a Kindle or ebook format is available from Amazon.)

"Is A Life Of Wellness Possible And How Do You Achieve it?"

A Biblical roadmap for a life of PHYSICAL wellness.

Contents:  Foundations for a life of wellness; Where did sickness, death and disease begin; God's will and physical wellness, Two foundational scriptures for wellness; The importance of taking the scriptures personally; Is there an appointed time for my healing; The place of the believer's faith in receiving healing; Methods of healing; How exactly is it that healing takes place; Post prayer instructions; The new law of your new life; Roadblocks to healing.

This is an 8.5 x 11 large print workbook style format.
It is for serious study and along with my other book:  "Spiritual Medicine For Physical Healing", will equip you for getting and enjoying a life of wellness.

Gordon Lindsay, founder of Christ for the Nations Institute said:

"Having more than thirty years of experience in divine healing ministry,
I have observed one circumstance which I believe is the main hindrance to receiving permanent deliverance from sickness.  Christians, even those who believe in divine healing, tend to accept occasional sickness and getting healed as normal--as God's order for life.
 But it has been made clear in the Word of God that it is not divine healing

but divine health which is God's intended plan for His children."

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U.S. shipping only.  
$9.95 plus $2.99 S & H

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Spiritual Medicine for Physical Healing"

This book is a 'medicine bottle'.  In it you will find "God-pills", His Word, in a form for you to use in ministering God's healing power to your body.  Basically, this is a book of Scriptures and under each main verse you will find fresh readings or portions of it from other versions.  A composite confession/affirmation of faith is then given for you to say.  Personally, I have seen the effectiveness of God's Word being 'sent to heal' me many times.  This is not a book to just read, but should be kept close by and referred to often, reading and re-reading the verses as the Holy Spirit quickens certain ones to you that He wants to use in your healing.  Kenneth Hagin said that he would meditate healing scriptures 15 minutes a day just to maintain health, and if he had symptoms he would double and triple up on the 'dosage'.  The 'medicine' will work for whoever will be faithful in taking it.

"I watch over My Word to perform it", Jeremiah 1:12

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