This book is a 'medicine bottle'. In it you will find "God-pills", His Word, in a form for you to use in ministering God's healing power to your body. Basically, this is a book of Scriptures and under each main verse you will find fresh readings or portions of it from other versions. A composite confession/affirmation of faith is then given for you to say. Personally, I have seen the effectiveness of God's Word being 'sent to heal' me many times. This is not a book to just read, but should be kept close by and referred to often, reading and re-reading the verses as the Holy Spirit quickens certain ones to you that He wants to use in your healing. Kenneth Hagin said that he would meditate healing scriptures 15 minutes a day just to maintain health, and if he had symptoms he would double and triple up on the 'dosage'. The 'medicine' will work for whoever will be faithful in taking it.
"I watch over My Word to perform it", Jeremiah 1:12
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